Every day the people are talking about the weather. If the weather is not so nice, we can make a complain always.
In Hungarian we have different words for the rain depends on how strong is that.
Rain - eső
It's raining - Esik az eső.
For example if it's raining not so much we can say 'csepereg' or 'csöpög'.
When there is heavy raining we can say 'zuhog' or 'ömlik' in Hungarian.
There are also so many idioms with rain:
Eső után köpönyeg.
After rain (comes) raincoat.
(After meat, mustard.)
Májusi eső aranyat ér.
A rain in May is golden.
Veri az ördög a feleségét.
The devil is beating his wife.
'If it rains when the sun is shining then it is told that